25 Nopember adalah Hari Guru

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Lesson Plan kelas VII KD 63

Lesson Plan
School                                           : Junior High School
Subject                                          : Mathematics
Grade/Semester                             : VII / 2
Time Allocation                              : 2 x 40 minutes
A.    Standard Competence                 
6.  Understanding the concepts of quadrilaterals and    triangles and also determining the  measurement.
 B.     Basic Competence
6.3      Determine the perimeter and area of triangles, quadrilateral and also use in problem solving
 C.    Learning Objectives
Students are able to  
  1. Determine the perimeter and area of Parallelogram.
 D.    Learning material
·      Determine the perimeter and area of parallelogram (menentukan keliling dan luas Jajargenjang)
·      Apply the concept of perimeter and area of parallelogram to solve problems (menerapkan konsep keliling dan luas jajargenjang untu memecahkan masalah) 
E.     Learning Method
·         Discussion (diskudi)
·         Giving task (pemberian tugas)
·         Question and answer (Tanya jawab)
Approach (pendekatan)

·         Problem base learning
·         Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)
·         Direct Instruction (pengajaran langsung)
·         Cooperative learning (pembelajaran koooperatip)
F.     Learning Activities
Opening Activities
·      Relate the topic to daily life activity, such the shape of lands or buiding.
·      Ask the students to mention group of anything which related to parallelogram
Main Activity
a.   Exploration
·     Teacher gives the students a problem related with perimeter of parallelogram.
·     Teacher divide students in to 8 groups and in 1 group consist of 4 members.
·    Teacher give a problem to the students, also present a problem on the screen
b.   Elaboration
·    Teacher gives opportunity to students to find the solution by their own way.
·    Teacher give opportunity to students to present their result, and the other group give the opinion for the result.  
c.    Confirmation
·      Students do other exercise
·      Teacher and student discuss some exercises in worksheets

·    Teacher give this problem to the students.
·    Teacher gives opportunity to students to find the solution by their own way.
      Teacher give opportunity to students to present their result, and the other group      give the opinion for the result.
·     Students do other exercises.

Closing Activities 
·      Students and teacher sumamarice the lesson 
·      Teacher gives some homeworks   

G.    Learning Sources
·         Student book class VII
·         Worksheet
·         Environment

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